Friday, February 19, 2016

The book of solitude (Part 4)

اگر با من انس بگیری تو را از همگان بی نیاز می کنم

و اگر با غیر من مانوس شوی در هر کاری محتاج و گرفتار خواهی ماند.

If you accustom to me I will make you needless,

And if you accustom to others, you will be afoul and needy in every work.

The book of solitude (Part 4)

اگر با من انس بگیری تو را از همگان بی نیاز می کنم

و اگر با غیر من مانوس شوی در هر کاری محتاج و گرفتار خواهی ماند.

If you accustom to me I will make you needless,

And if you accustom to others, you will be afoul and needy in every work.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

the book of solitude (part 3)

ای فرزند آدم ...
من سخنانت را می شنوم وقتی که با من حرف می زنی
و درد دل باز می گویی.
تو نیز سخنان مرا در کتاب من بخوان که فرشتگانم بر تو فرود آورده اند
و من بدان وسیله با تو سخن می گویم.
O son of Adam (human) …
I am listening your talks when you speaking to me and confabulating.
So you listen my speech in my book that my angels have bring to you,

And I am talking to you in this way.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

i have created you...

O son of Adam (Human).

I have created and polished you for myself.

Come toward me and accustom to me.

Escape from others and hang out to me, you are mine not the 

others, if you come to me one step I will come to you ten steps.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The book of solitude (part 1)

O son of Adam (human)...

I have created you and aware of your inward, I know your secrets 

and I don't reveal them.

I am once that you are sure don't betray you, I am not minor than 

you and I will never expire.

I am source of all loves and kindnesses.

(I am Allah.)

Please follow me and read my posts and say your comments about your experiences and about my posts.


A book just for myself,

A booklet for my solitude times,

Whether I am Muslim or I am Christian,

Whether I am Zoroastrian or I am Jew,

Once I am human,

Once I am son of Adam,

It is sufficient that in my calmest solitude,

A celestial voice whisper to me:

O son of Adam (human) …

Please follow me and read my posts and say your comments about your experiences and about my posts.


Hello i am solo oracle.
I am a Muslim. 
Some years before i was depressed and i was need to cure.
So i visited many doctors but it was not useful.
Some day i went to a bookstore and i found a book that it's name was interesting.
I bought that book a study it. it's name was " The book of solitude" .
It's topic was about the God and talking and worship the God.
I got better and better after studying the book. after 3 months i was completely healthy.
So i started to talking about the book to my friends and my family.
Now after 6 years of that depression many people wants to have the book of solitude.
In this book you will read about yourself and your lord (God).
i will place this book in my posts to help you overcome your depression.
I hope you will get better and some day you will be healthy and hopeful.
Please share my posts in social networks to it receives to all depressed people in all over the world.
Please follow me and read my posts and say your comments about your experiences and about my posts.